"Since the early nineties, an ever increasing number of artworks have
been created on the basis of preexisting works; more and more
artists interpret, reproduce, re-exhibit, or use works made by others
or available cultural products. This art of postproduction seems to
respond to the proliferating chaos of global culture in the information
age, which is characterized by an increase in the supply of works
and the art world's annexation of forms ignored or disdained until now.
These artists who insert their own work into that of others contribute
to the eradication of the traditional distinction between production and
consumption, creation and copy, readymade and original work. The
material they manipulate is no longer primary. It is no longer a matter
of elaborating a form on the basis of a raw material but working with
objects that are already in circulation on the cultural market, which
is to say, objects already informed by other objects. Notions of originality
(being at the origin of) and even of creation (making something
from nothing) are slowly blurred in this new cultural landscape marked
by the twin figures of the DJ and the programmer, both of whom have
the task of selecting cultural objects and inserting them into new
Nicolas Bourriaud: Postproduction (2005 [2002])
Via Martin Glaz Serup
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